Oh, boy, has it gotten crazy around here. Between filling paperwork out and panicking over just exactly how much needs to be done before the oldest is out of school and needing a vocational program or residence (he's one of my special needs guys), calling attorneys regarding guardianships, and then AC repair to the tune of more money than I pull in each month... yikes.
In spite of all that, I still have my hair, and I still have my creativity! yay for that!
In the coming weeks, I am going to be doing something a little different: I am going to be trying my hand at scrapbooking! But this is not just any ordinary scrapbooking - this is virtual scrapbooking.
I have been invited to do a review and giveaway...wait... yes... I really did say giveaway! Free stuff - woohoo! :D
The gracious people at My Memories have selected me to share their virtual scrapbooking with you.
Right now I am playing with album pages (you can even add music to an album - how cool is that?) using my artwork as "photos".
I've noticed right off the bat how easy it is to use the program, AND how many choices there are (yes, you can buy extra doodads after purchasing the basic, but the basic program really does seem like a really great buy)
In the coming weeks I am going to be scanning in some old family photos, and I'll create some pages or albums using those. I'm hoping that just maybe I'll have time to whip something special up for my mom - I know she'd love that.
In the meantime, stay on the lookout for updates, and more information on how you can enter the giveaway! :)
Lovin the name of your blog Jenni! My your life certainly sounds hectic...and you get time to create...well done to you!