Sunday, June 17, 2012

The scent of lavender and rosemary....

So, I decided after much pondering and thinking to channel my grandmother and create a little herb and kitchen garden for myself. Since we are in the middle of the "too damn hot to start anything right now" season, vegetables are not really the thing to plant in the ground, and nurseries just don't have plants available.

I managed to scrounge up a few little herb plants - rosemary, a type of perennial lavender, some basil, mint, fennel, and even a coriander plant that was about to go to seed. answer your question: yes, the garden does look pretty scraggly right now, but since planting I have enjoyed picking little bits of herb from that scraggly little garden to cook with.

I plan on nursing my little herb plants through the hot summer (hopefully they'll survive!), and when the fall planting season rolls around, I'll put out some vegetables, and more herbs.

So far I have used my rosemary and basil, and fennel leaves in pasta dishes, but I have plans for the lavender and mint as well. Oh, and the coriander - it should seed fairly quickly. I'm hoping for both cilantro leaves and coriander seed to add to some tasty dishes!

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