Saturday, August 20, 2011

What I did on my summer vacation...

well, actually, nothing much really...

I've been in a creative slump for various reasons (see last post) but I've been trying to get back into it - I think I have a few ideas for paintings in my head, but things like housework, my real life job, and the kids keep me much too busy....

I have, however, taken a little time each day to work on what I you'd call pixel art...

I'm thinking of playing with something like that... maybe printing a few? I think the actual dimensions ended up being around 5" X 5"...

Well, if I never actually do anything with that little piece I can at least use it to work from - maybe my next painting or ACEO will come from it :)

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel. I'm in that same slump. I think that everyday life can become overwhelming at times and the creative streak subsides.
